Class 4
Normal Flow
The typical way a browser positions an element in respect to elements around it
» An element without any CSS positioning applied is considered in normal flow
Out of Flow
When an element's default position is overridden, the element is considered out of flow
The Default static Position
selector {
position: static;
The default position property's value for all HTML elements (block-level, inline, etc.) is static
Static elements are in normal flow
Usually you wouldn't specify position: static; since it is the default position of every element
The Default static Position
So far, every element we've worked with has been static
To move an element relative to where it ordinarily would rest in normal flow, use relative positioning
selector {
position: relative;
Use the top, bottom, right, and left properties to set the location
These values position the element relative to where it would be normally
An empty area shows where the element once was, when the element was in normal flow
Unlike static elements, a relative element can overlap other elements
See the Pen Relative Positioning by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
selector {
position: absolute;
When you specify position: absolute; the element is removed from the document and placed exactly where you tell it to go
Nothing shows where the element once was, when the element was in normal flow
Unlike static elements, an absolute element can overlap other elements
Setting the Location
Use the top, bottom, right, and left properties to set the location
By default, an absolute element's location is relative to the window (the <html> element)
If the absolute element is within a non-static element, its location will be relative to the closest non-static element
See the Pen Absolute Positioning by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
How to limit an absolute element's scope
We can corral an absolute element inside any non-static (e.g. relative) element
How to limit an absolute element's scope
See the Pen Limiting an Absolute Element's Scope by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
Non-static elements can overlap
You can change the order of overlapping with z-index
The element with the highest z-index goes on top
z-index only works on non-static elements (such as relative or absolute)
.bottom {
position: absolute; /* absolute is a non-static position */
bottom: 10px;
left: 60px;
background-color: lightcoral;
.top {
position: absolute; /* absolute is a non-static position */
bottom: 15px;
left: 60px;
background-color: lightseagreen;
z-index: 2;
An Example
See the Pen Z-Index - Before by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
Let's use relative and absolute positioning to style our site's banner section
selector {
float: left;
float: right;
The float property shifts an element to the left or right on the current line, taking it out of normal flow
When an element is floated, subsequent elements wrap around it
An Example
See the Pen Float - Before by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
Using float in Layouts
Use float on block-level elements (<aside>, <main>, <div>, etc.) to make page layouts
Always set a width on floated block-level elements used in layouts
Example: Using float in Layouts
See the Pen Float in Layouts - Before by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
selector {
clear: left;
clear: right;
clear: both;
The clear property is used exclusively on elements surrounding floated elements
It tells the element on which side (left, right, or both) floated elements cannot appear
See the Pen Float with Text - Before by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.
Let's use floating to style our site's portfolio section
Press the down arrow or spacebar to view
GitHub is free and a great intro to version control
A version control system records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can keep track of changes and roll back to previous revisions
Almost every web agency uses a version control system
There are two paid services involved:
You can buy hosting from one company and a domain name from another, but it's usually less of a hassle to buy both from the same company
I use 1&1's Starter package, since it includes hosting and one domain name
When it comes to hosting, don't be fooled by the extra bells and whistles — if you aren't sure what something is, you probably don't need it
Why are there two separate services?
First, your files need to be stored on a web host, which is a computer (a.k.a. server)
When you register a domain, it doesn't 'point' to the server where your files are located
This is why your web host may give you a Domain Name System (or DNS) address, which is the IP address of the computer (a.k.a. server) where your files are located
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a huge list that links your domain name (e.g. to where your files are located (using the IP address of the server where your files are located)